Wednesday, 13 January 2016


Hey guys, in this blog post I wanted to show you some of my favourite makeup products at the moment, enjoy x
This is my M.A.C blusher in the shade 01. It is such a lovely colour and is so pigmented. I definitely recommend this to any one that is looking for a new blusher!
This is my Rimmel Stay Matte compressed powder. This is in the shade 001 transparent. It is definitely my favourite powder and I certainly recommend it!

This is my Rimmel wake me up concealer in the shade 040 soft beige. This concealer is great for coverage under the eyes and I love it so much, although if you are looking for a concealer to use to cover spots I don't recommend it. But otherwise it is amazing!

This is my lipstick which is the Rimmel Katemos in the shade 16. This lipstick is such a lovely nude pink colour and I wear it all the time! It is a really good price and if you don't have it you are missing out!

This is my foundation. I use the Maybelline dream matte mousse. This is such a good smooth foundation and for such a reasonable price. It is such good quality and it is definitely worth buying it!

This is my mascara. This is the Maybelline The colossal Go extreme. It is so good and doesn't block up like other mascaras!

Thanks for reading, and I will post soon. Bye x

Tuesday, 12 January 2016


This year I decided to make some realistic resolutions as last year I made some but lets be honest they weren't going to last! So for this blog post I am going to talk to you about my New Year Resolutions.

1.First of all I would like to improve my organisation skills. This last year I have not been very organised. I mean sometimes I was organised,  but other times I just couldn't be bothered! I have also purchased and received lots of pads and organising stationary and would love to start using it. Also every weekend I have been cleaning my room if it was messy, (most likely), ha ha!

2.My next resolution is to up my game on You Tube. As you probably all know I have my own you tube channel, (Grace Louise x). At the moment I have 24 subs and my aim for 2016 is to reach 50 subs. So between now and then I really need to improve my quality and make better content. So if you have any video idea's, please comment down below.]

3.Another resolution that I want to achieve is to not get so worried/stressed. I suffer with anxiety and panic attacks and last year I found it really hard to cope with. So this year I am going to try and calm down and just think, everything will be alright! If any of you guys suffer with anxiety comment below.

And those are some of my resolutions for 2016. If you have any similar to mine please comment down below! Thanks for reading and I will write a new post soon, bye!

Monday, 4 January 2016


Hi everyone (if anyone is actually reading) Haha! Welcome to my blog. I hope you all had a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and got everything you wished for. I started this blog because I wanted to try something new for 2016 and also If you want to go and subscribe to my youtube channel I would be more than happy, it is called - Grace Louise x .

I will try my hardest to post at least once a week if not more.  Leave in the comments what blogs posts you would like to see in the future. And whereabouts in the world you live. 

I'm sorry this first post has been very short, Its just that all I wanted to do was welcome you all to my blog and explain a little bit about it. 

Thanks for reading, see you next time, 

Bye x